Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Does it walk like a duck?

Hello everyone,

At various points in my blog, I talk about the lack of integrity I have come to see in Canada's political system when it comes to ethanol. Some of you may be uncomfortable that I won't play down the politics of this issue.

Well I won't back down. I can't. I am proud of the work I'm doing and I believe it is necessary. This dangerous situation exists precisely because of a faulty system. The problem IS the politics. If someone doesn't call these guys on their lies and hypocrisy, there will be more ethanol fiascos, banking crises, etc in the future.

Pretty strong assertions, eh? If you want proof, go here and read all about the connections between ethanol lobbyists and Canada's politicians.

Is it corruption? Decide for yourself by applying that tried and true yardstick: when it walks and talks, does it do so in a duck-like fashion?


P.S... Has anyone been noticing recent press coverage about imminent crop failures in the southern hemisphere - Argentina, Southern Brazil, Australia - due to drought? Have you heard that there is a move afoot in the U.S. to increase the ethanol blend limit in motor fuel from 10% to 15% to keep afloat an industry that was never viable in the first place? Did you know that in 2007, the U.S ethanol industry received over $3 billion in tax credits, versus $694 million for all other alternative energy sources - solar, wind, geothermal, etc - combined?

If you would like any help connecting the dots, just let me know.


João Soares said...

Olá* Hello George
Many thks for invite on your tweetee.
Nice clues and articles.
Corruption? Sure there is.
Welcome to my enviroblog.
Abraços* Hugs
João, Portugal

Anonymous said...

If these crops are failing, then don't we have a bigger problem to worry other than fuel? I would be more worried about the security of my food, more so than the tank of my diesel car.